26 May 2015

new home

So many things has happened since I last wrote in here. Lately I have been thinking of returning to update this blog. I do not know how often, but much often than before. 

Month ago I begun to work at woodland arboretum, which was a dream come true for me. Many years I wished to work here and now was the right moment. I will post more photos of the arboretum later and also will write what I am doing in there. I lived a few weeks in one of the arboretums old houses, but felt that I had to move on and get my own apartment. Very quickly I got my own place in the same village where the Mustila arboretum is. I do not yet know how long my job will last, the winter time is long in Finland and when you are gardener one works mostly on summer months. That's why I want to create more and fill my Etsy shop as well. There is many plans for my Woodland Jewelries shop, which makes me want to change the name of the shop at some point. I have been planning to create woodland boxes, woodland dream catchers and decoration and new jewelries too. I have not been creating in few months, which is the longest time! I have been wanting to begin to create something completely new, instead of creating the same kind of jewelries. When this kind of silence happens with the creative things, it is a sign to get ready for the change.

I wish to know more about you who reads my blog! Thank you for sending me notes during the time I have not been updating this blog, It is wonderful that there is still someone who reads it anyway.
Please do write me a little comment about you, in the box if you have a moment :-)


  1. Hei! Mä luen.:) Ihan vastikään löysin sun kauniit korut ja sitä myöten tänne.
    Toivon että kerrot sun uudesta työstä arboretumissa, kiinnostaa kovasti!
    (Puutarhurin homman huonoja puolia tosiaan on se ettei talvella juuri töitä ole.. se on kurjaa!)

    1. Hei Hilja, Harvemmin minulla on ollut lukijoita Suomesta :-) Kiitos paljon kommentista koruistani! Pian yritän laittaa kuvia arboretumista. Kiitos :-)
